Prayers against the Free Will.

Everyone has a free will to choose life or death. Everyone has a free will to do good or evil. God does not control the free will of anyone. Such is confirmed by the following Words of Jesus, “You refuse to come to me to have life” (John 5:40). Clearly, they could have come if they wanted to; their problem was they chose not to. “A man reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7),

Why do I bring up the subject of the free will?

It is because of the many Prayer Requests that I receive from Catholics who ask for prayers so God will control the mind of their lover so their relationship may result in a marriage.

God does not change the heart of anyone!

While God has determined before creation who your spouse should be in order for you to enjoy a glorious Christian marriage, blessed with a loving spouse and the gift of many children. His choice of a spouse for you is not according to your desires, your judgment, your choice of characteristics, virtues, fame, health or wealth.

When you write to a priest and ask him to pray for the blessing of a spouse, ask the priest to pray for a spouse according to the Divine Will. This request, in harmony with the Divine Plan, will draw towards you the person that God has chosen for your earhly happiness. God knows what is best for you!